Tuesday, July 18, 2023

I don't understand


I don't understand those :

   who complain

 I don't understand those :

  who cannot accept others

   who cannot rejoice

    who cannot give thanks

I am confused

Why do we clap in church

Why do we shout in church

Why do we ask for prayer

But...do not work on the Bible Verse...

  In Everything Give Thanks.

I do not understand , Lord


 Love, when Love is not returned 

     When Love is not acknowledged

Be tender, compassionate, caring 

  When those are not reciprocated

Forgive, when wrong is not seen by the other

  When others think they are right

Let no Bitterness grow

Yes, hurt is there and Pain

Let Love cover the Hurt, The Pain, the Grief

Grief, yes Grief, something died

Relationships changed or never were

You want to revive the relationship

You want to heal the relationship

But, it's not happening

So, then there's Love

Love endures and is Patient

Love is Kind, not jealous, not envious

Love is not arrogant or rude

Love, Loves, even before Love is returned

Or even is it never is returned